
Showing posts from July, 2013

My First Week of New Parenthood

Our "Precious" Technically bubs is now a week and 2 days old but what's 2 days give or take right? All that reading and past experience taking care of my younger brother when I was in High School have paid off big time in the last nine days. It certainly made me a little less clueless and ably pretend that I know what I am doing. Unfortunately, neither quite prepared me for how much hard work it really is.

Diaries of the Newly Enciente: My Last Installment at 38 Weeks

As a baby shower pressie, we got vouchers from Features Forever  to immortalize Aoife's little digits! Yay! 38 Weeks! Less than a week to go before I am induced into labor on the 17th of July at 39 Weeks!  I made it!!!!!

Diaries of the Newly Enciente: The 36wk Surprise

My new daily friend...  By Wednesday, we'll be marking the end of our 36th week and starting our 37th. And when we start our 37th I'll be breathing a sigh of relief as regardless of when I pop, baby Aoife will be officially full term by then.